Tag Archives: Rowe Farms

Merry Eggs-Mas

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, kind of

Is it just me or has Christmas lost its mojo?  It’s not the weather because it’s cold and snowy and no one more than me loves an excuse to stay at home on a Saturday night and wear fabric birth control (otherwise known as fleece) and watch Love, Actually for the billionth time on the W Network.  But it was on last weekend and I fell asleep before the climax where all the characters converge, collapse, and copulate.  And Mariah Carey sings on the soundtrack which would make watching this is a guilty pleasure except there is gratuitous frontal nudity and an orgy scene in it so it’s not a complete chick flick.  British people are good for that sort of thing.  But I fell asleep because Christmas is tired and I’m blaming LED Lights, the Economy, and the Internet.  LED lights:  People are forced to decorate with this barbaric technology these days and it makes everything look the basement toilet facilities at any given Legion Hall.  The Economy:  What’s the point of wanting gifts when you’ve bought everything all year round and are skint (British for broke) so you are forced to hibernate?   And the Internet because it is like the den that you hibernate in and as long as it is there, you don’t have to make an appearance at some lame LED lit party where your pupils dilate, craving actual natural light source, which make you eat more and therefore bloat and fill you with more self-loathing than you would have had if you spent the night in fleece watching Love Actually.

So this year I’m going to do like they did in the olden days.  Forget baking, why bother when the Hudson’s Bay Company has the best shortbread premium cookies in all their stores?  And I can use my Bay card to stimulate the economy and collect Reward Points!   Instead I’m going to light candles and make eggnog from scratch and you are all invited.  I’ve done it once before back in the day, and I’ll do it again.   Homemade eggnog is the bomb and stop with your raw egg salmonella fantasy, I’ve been slurping them down in milkshakes since I was a child playing with the mercury from the broken thermometer my mother put in my mouth when I only pretended to be sick.  There’s an eggnog website which you can click on here that will give you recipes, including the low-fat version.  I’m going to go full fat as that is what Jesus would do, and any excuse I have to visit Rowe Farms in Leslieville, the better.  They have the eggs from the joyous free range chickens and the butcher there is a hot ginger who could probably bring the X back in the Xmas if you know what I mean, which you probably do.  I bet your tree is up already.

Real Eggnog from cracking the eggs yourself

In His Shoes

Freddy’s Graduation Shoes

This Friday, Freddy is graduating Grade 8 from Bowmore Public School which means a ceremony in the morning at Monarch Park and some Baby Duck at the beach in the afternoon.  Problems include:  he needs to wear a shirt, tie, and trousers which is easy but it would be nice if he had some black shoes that are not sneakers.  More problems: He’s 14, part man, part weed.  He will not shop in the boys’ department anymore so he takes the smallest size men’s trousers at The Gap but his shoes…well, there’s where the weed part comes in.  His feet grow every 3 months.  Once his feet grew a whole size in one day right after he got a new pair of shoes. He walks on his toes so his shoes never really wear out so if you see something you like on his feet, let me know.  Anyway for Grad Day, I know that buying him a new pair of man-shoes that go with trousers would be sort of dumb because they would only be worn once so off I went to VV boutique on Queen and Logan:

Value Village at Queen St East and Logan

There were racks of shoes on neat display (which is why I love VV boutique, the tidiness and organization) and lo and behold, in his size 10, were a pair of Doc Martens for $15.   And ties.  And other stuff.  If you need something, like a lamp or a clock, that’s the place to check before you end up spending $800 in one of the antique stores nearby.  And do you ever get that retail therapy itch?  It’s where your mind goes blank while  you relax your gaze and let your hands  finger-f**k your way through racks of merchandise.  This is a harmless place to do this because the most you end up spending is twenty bucks.  I think this must be why men go to Thailand.  It’s cheap and no one will know.  There’s parking in the back so you can shop til you drop.  Nearby and around the corner are Rowe Farms and Brick Street Bakery:

Rowe Farms, 1 kilo of organic chicken wings for $9.95

Brick Street Bakery in Leslieville, 255 Logan Ave

Brick St bakery is right where the parking lot is so it’s crazy not go in and pick up an organic spelt baguette.  Listen to the fancy lady talk.  I bought one and I’m going to eat it with an organic honey garlic sausage from Rowe Farms.  There are hidden messages everywhere.  This is the truck from Value Village that I was parked beside:

Some pictures don’t need a caption.