Category Archives: Get out of your comfort zone

Botox This

No, I’m not angry, I was born this way

Last year I had my first Botox injection:  30 units pumped straight into the trenches of my forehead.  I grappled with the decision for years before actually getting it.  I have wacky vision and I furrow my brows alot and on top of it all, I have a macabre scar that runs between my two eyebrows from jumping on my bed and faceplanting on the headboard.  I was four, my oldest sister dumped me in the bathtub and let me bleed furiously while she watched “Love of Life” until my mother came home.  I am grateful she didn’t try and stitch me up because things could have been worse.  So with the horizontal scar and the vertical furrow lines, my forehead was a multi-purpose gameboard, you could play tic tac toe, hangman, or harvest some crops if you couldn’t log into Farmville.  When I was a teenager I used to tape my forehead at night so things wouldn’t get worse.  But the creases deepened and by the time I was in my twenties, people thought I was angry all the time.  Random men would say: “Why are you so mad?  Smile!”  STFU, I would grit my teeth.  Bangs were the answer.  Then Botox came on the scene and I knew I wanted it.  But it seemed really scary and anytime I would chirp about it, someone would inevitably say:  “Don’t you know that it’s poison, POISON!!!  It’s made out of botulinum toxin, you will die a slow death!!  And look like a duck while you’re doing it!”  First of all, I am going to die a slow death without Botox and look angry while doing it, and secondly, and most importantly, Botox does not make you look like a duck, the fillers do.  Botox just relaxes the muscles, okay, paralyzes the muscles and then they gradually over time go into atrophy, the same as your ass does when you watch too many soap operas.  My only fear was that the injection would affect my ajna chokra, you know the third eye that is the centre of your intuition.  What if I lost all instincts and started dating men who advertised on Craigslist?   Nurse D assured not only would my chokra be intact, it would be running on overdrive, all that furrowing was actually blocking it.  Nurse D also said she could fix my one eyebrow that arches too much, but I said no, it is what makes me look clever.  So the needle went in and I never looked back.  A year later, the verticle lines have softened, I don’t squint anymore when I read {less headaches!)…seriously this shit should be on OHIP.  So last week, wagjag had an offer for 20 units of Botox for $79 from Skin Vitality at 11 Yorkville.   I jumped on it, a little nervous about discount Botox but it turned out great, my brow muscle is losing its furious furrow but you can still tell when I am truly pissed at something, which is good because I don’t want to be perceived as a pushover.  Just don’t try and upsell me on the fillers…yet.

I Resolve To Compromise My Resolutions

Another New Years Resolution goes tits up

Last year my New Years Resolution was to eat more pastries, no joke, I wanted to be more European and support the French Patisserie, Zane’s, down the street.  But I failed.  I think I ate two croissants in January and a kiwi tart in September.  2011 is the Year of the Rabbit according to the Chinese calendar, although it officially starts in February, so why not become a gym bunny like every other rat on the planet?  Except I am always a gym bunny, or maybe more of a gym manatee since you can pretty much always find me in the hot tub.  On Monday when I went to the gym (Mayfair Lakeshore Racquet Club), it was so packed, all I could find was a mat to lay and watch all the newbies and bush-leaguers flailing on the equipment.  I’m just teasing with my disdain, the more the merrier.  I like fresh meat at the gym, you just never know what might come through the turnstile, hold the door!  It could be Mr. Right!  Now I’m just being a sarcastic old broad.  In fact I’m getting so old, I’m too tired to beat myself up, so yesterday I high-tailed out of the gym and went up to Evergreen Brickworks at 550 Bayview.  It’s a fantastic place, in fact I wrote about it on the Core Realty Blog which you should check out here.

Every year, without fail, I am duped into thinking:  Summer=Good, Winter=Bad.  It’s so stupid, I’m allergic to every flora and fauna out there.  Hot weather is a beauty hazard,  the heat makes my capillaries scream RED ALERT!  Then they pop.  I am too cheap and environmentally righteous to put on air conditioning and I sweat.  Then bloat in retaliation.  But in winter, everything changes.  The cold makes me tingle, the snow makes me feel warm.  Early dark days makes me want to hibernate which suits me fine.  In January, I can embrace austerity with vim and vigor.  My ancestors prowled and mated on icy fjords and survived on animal blubber, it is in my blood.  I am a winter Goddess, the outdoors is my gym.  And check out the hot dude I met on the trails of the Evergreen Brick Works:

Cody, the Shiba Inu at Evergreen Brick Works

Ezriders: Urban Transportation for Badasses

Last week someone scraped the side of my car in the parking lot of my gym.  He left a note on my windshield with a detailed explanation of the mishap, an apology, a (correct) phone number and an offer to use his BMW dealership to repair my utilitarian Japanese autobox.  At first I thought I was in love but the more I thought about it, the more I realized his benevolence wasn’t sincere, he was probably being watched and aware of the fact there are security cameras on the premises.  And he drives a BMW, stands for Bad Man Walking.  They are fussy German cars and the typical dude who drives one wears those contrived distressed jeans and doesn’t know how to fix things so when he has an emotional problem, his car will feel it and will manifest itself into electronic breakdown so he goes to the dealership, gives his keys to BMW bellhop and orders a cappuccino from receptionist who has big hooters.  And then he will pace in front of her, fiddling with his Blackberry, but never looking at her.  He thinks she thinks he has all the prowess in the world because he can sip foam and text at the same time.  He doesn’t have to acknowledge her, the whiskers in his jeans point the way.  Anyway I left my car at Douchebags R Us on Monday and declined a rental.  Just because I am nice.

So I have been walking everywhere, especially on Queen Street East from my new office at Core Realty.  There are a lot of new stores and restaurants that I haven’t noticed before which I will shop, eat, and tell you about in the future.  But a couple of interesting things I saw today, there’s a lot of mural art in the east end. some of it is the Ralph Thornton Mural Project:

But also some really cool small business have putting up their advertising up in graffiti art form.  This one is Pardon Le Dopeness.  They have a great website, click here to see it, and they sell very cool t shirts :

I love that kind of stuff.  It reminds me of my badass youth before I drove a car everywhere!!!  And the other interesting thing from my walk home today was checking out this store:

ezriders, e-bikes, e-scooters and accessories, 1296 Queen Street East

This place is the answer to urban transportation.  The beauty of these bikes is that you don’t need the insurance (badass) and you don’t need to get a special license, which if you buy a little (douchebaguette) Vespa, is mandatory.  And the prices are not shocking at all.   The one I have my eye on is under $700.  Check them out here, they are having a sale (kickass Christmas present) but you can also rent them by the hour which would make for a great first date for some of you weirdos who don’t have cars yet.  Here’s what they look like:

Take a load off, ezriders, me likey the middle one

Bootcamp in Cabbagetown

Daryl Hanna is a replicant machine in “Blade Runner”

Apparently Google thinks I am a machine.  According to the blog whisperer I went to see last week, Google doesn’t think I’m a human.  My beloved blog baby needs to be hit more to be alive and breathing.  You need to help me, let’s get my blog viral, like Two Girls, One Cup.  Tell your friends this post is about a bunch of broads and one kettlebell.  Seriously, get the word out, hit me often, and spread me around, take me to your forums and link me to your people.  Follow me on Twitter, too.

Anyway, I wish I were a machine.  If I were a machine, I’d be a replicant, like Daryl Hannah in “Bladerunner.”  How I loved that movie.  I used to pretend I was her in the 80’s and wear my hair all spikey and squeeze my pillow in between my thighs and pretend it was Harrison Ford’s head.  If I were a replicant, I would be fierce at bootcamp.  I would breeze through burpees.  I’d do backflips through the pylons.  My shoelaces would never be an faux issue.  I would hop out of bed this Saturday, November 6 and go to “Kick Bootie -No Duty” without being hindered by some sort of hangover.  You know what, it’s probably the best way to shake off the cobwebs anyway, so I will go.  My bootcamp guru, is Amy from Quantum Physique.  She is a fantastic trainer and runs indoor and outdoor bootcamps year round, all over downtown Toronto.  Check out her website here.  Her special Saturday bootcamp in Cabbagetown is FREE and it’s TWO HOURS so wear your Tena pads because there is a lot of jumping around.  Her website has the details.  And here is Amy, ready for action:

Kick Bootie – No Duty is November 6 from 10 til noon at Spruce Court Public School, 70 Spruce Street

I’m In With The In Crowd

The In Crowd on a Wednesday night, blithely unaware of who got voted off on “Survivor”

I’m a circumstantial hermit, socially speaking.  I spend the evenings with my dog and the t.v. but my day takes me all sorts of places where I see people and have conversations even.  A typical one would go like this:

Me:  Oh hi, Rhoda (random name), how’s it going?

Rhoda:  Oh great!  Went to Carlu last night for that fundraiser for cute abandoned puppies.  Didn’t you get my e-mail?

Me:  What e-mail?  No….

Rhoda:  I sent you an invite.  The food was fantastic.  All the booze you could drink.  There was a litter of Shiba Inu puppies there and celebrities, too.  John Stamos was at our table, you know he’s still single and he likes tall women.

Me:  Redonkulous!  (jokes, I would never actually say that, but I would watch Survivor, which is where that term became popular)  I want a puppy!  I love John Stamos!  and food and booze… come I missed this?

Well, here’s why how come:  there is an event invitation box on the right side of your Facebook page.  Now I used to get these in Notifications but you know how Facebook likes to shake things up, well I’ve been missing all sorts of things for a long time until yesterday.  I got in just in time to RSVP for POP!   a group art show at 920 Eastern Ave, which runs until October 31.  It’s open from 1-6 and I suggest you go if you’re looking to buy some art.  There were some really great pieces there by Heather Dunn, David Brown, MJ Steenberg, David Trevor, and Mary Wong.  There was a piece by Mary that actually made me gasp, it was a blue grotto…”grotto”  makes me think of the Playboy mansion and that episode of Sex and The City where Carrie and Miranda make a wrong turn, where all the bunnies are in the hot tub and Miranda says: “Look, tit soup!”  Yes, I watch too much tv, but I’m out now.  Here is what I saw last night and links to the artists’ websites below:

And here is the Blue Grotto by Mary Wong ( Christmas is coming, Santa):

And wait there is more.  A couple of hot cheese mongers from about cheese were there carving hunks and wheels of fine artisan cheeses.  And this is what I ate:

I love cheese, especially this batch and they actually sell it to Loblaws which is across the street which superhandy.  Go grocery shopping and then check out the show this week only until October 31!  910 Eastern Ave, Open daily 1-6 pm or by appointment 416-805-6740

click on the name for their websites:  Heather Dunn, David Brown, MJ Steenberg, David Trevor, and Mary Wong

Digging For Fire

Quad East Indoor Cycling Studio at 672 Queen East

My loins are on fire.  I’ll let you know what happened but first let me share with you my brilliant business idea, and if you steal it, I will go all Winklevoss on you.  You know how men go golfing and before they head home, they dip into the Rub and Tug for a little stress relief?  Yes, they do, sometimes the guys forget I’m a lady and they tell me things they don’t want their wives to know.  Well, something like that should exist for women, we can call it the Swirl and Twirl!  I actually thought I was going to get something like that when I went to Body Blitz last winter but instead I was made to wear plastic underwear and sprayed down with a hose like at a car wash.  I think that most ladies, after devouring confit-soaked chevre logs at their book club meetings would  hit that before heading home.  In fact they probably wouldn’t even bother with reading the book at all.

As for me, a LOCA (lady of a certain age), I have to go to far more obtuse measures to bitch slap my mojo out of the Snuggie and off the couch.  Last night my friend and I went to Quad East, click here for more info, an indoor cycling studio for a good old fashioned spin class.  Now I’ve been spinning for 13 years and I even have my teaching certificate, so I can call myself a veteran.  I ride bareback in shorts with no lining.  This is the first time that I’ve been to Quad and I have to say, it’s the coolest studio I’ve ever been to.  It’s spacious with disco balls hanging from the lofty ceilings.  Upstairs there is another huge studio space for Pilates classes and the women’s change room is like in an old office with modern showers.  The vibe is very friendly, sometimes spinning people can be intimidating in their skintight Spandex outfits, clomping around in their metal soled shoes like they are dressed for Halloween.  Quad has the Schwinn bikes, which are my favourite and easiest to use.  Lucky for us, the class was headed by Bruce, one of the most dynamic instructors in the city.  His voice is like a baritone sexed up Darth Vader and he looks like the UPS delivery man, the one in your dreams who delivers your package every afternoon, come rain or shine.  Here he is:

Bruce, he’s got the quads and other things, at Quad East

The Cycling studio at Quad East

It was a great class and Bruce, let’s just call him the mojo whisperer, did his job superbly.   It’s all about cadence and tunes.  And as a bonus, Quad East is on that fun block (just west of Jilly’s) where my favourite pub, Prohibition is and where we went afterwards.  I did something wild and crazy which was ordered the chicken lollipops (drumsticks) with the hottest sauce known to humanity.  They were freakishly hot and my skull felt like warm velvet until I got home.  And yes, today the burning ring of fire has kept me housebound for the morning but it’s all good!  The embers are still aglow.

Everyone’s A Winner

The Usual Suspects are leading the pack at the 35 kilometer mark

Canadian Matt Loiselle, left, is looking good

I consider myself a twisted Sartorialist, here is my vote for best dressed

I have a soft spot for Scotiabank’s Toronto Waterfront Marathon. I always think of it as the marathon that got away. Flashback to 1998: Oh how I wished I had run this flat, breezy, cakewalk instead of the Toronto International Marathon with its up and down hills in Hog’s Hollow and Forest Hill. And on that particular day, October 18, the weather was cold then hot, then rainy, then cold again. The only thing consistent was the wind although even that seemed to change direction. I learned a few things that day though: hills are for skiing and running is for people who have somewhere to go. Which is why now I just like to stay put and watch others go places. The Waterfront Marathon is perfect for that because the weather is always just right and the 35 kilometer mark is at the bottom of my street in front of Starbucks. The runners have 7 more k’s to go to finish the whole 42.2k’s . The last quarter is the toughest and most intense so it’s important to cheer these athletes on. I remember losing my pace bunny at the 30 k mark but I adopted two finely dressed Italian men both of whom were worried about what the humidity was doing to their hair. And I had problems of my own, I had lost my shirt(!) on Rosedale Valley Road and I had severe upper buttcrack chafing issues because I should have cut the tags from my shorts. Fun times! But in a marathon, anyone who crosses the finish line is a winner but some are more winny than others.

And speaking of races, the one where even winners can be losers, Toronto has a municipal election coming up on October 25. Do you need me to remind you how important it is to vote? For Ward 30, the Leslieville Post (see blogroll) has a Q & A with the candidates for councillor, click here for the link. I’ll keep you posted on the other east end neighbourhood wards in the coming weeks.

Modern Prohibition

Prohibition:  That was then, this is now

I’m on Week 2 of boot camp.  Amy promised it would get easier but last night was a lady chain gang featuring hoops, hurdles, pylons, and the soundtrack to “An Officer and a Gentleman.”    3 sets of 5 obstacle course activities performed under a full moon.  My shoe lace is untied!  I have a very important text message from someone I need to respond to right now for a very important appointment I have!  Do you see that man over there?  I think he has a gun!  Diversions served only to prolong the event…longest hour of my life.  Then, home in the dark, and I missed the first episode of Glee!  My other, more important blog, My Tv Fez, will describe this anguish in full.

Anyway, boot camp doesn’t mean “no booze” but it definitely means cutting back.  The whole concept of booze deprivation seems virtuous, but I’ve learned that abstinence is a dangerous thing.  Don’t kid yourself, your liver wants to work, it’s like a horse in that way.  It doesn’t want to be clean, otherwise it will get bored, lazy even, so the next time you take cough syrup (in earnest) after a righteous”cleanse”, don’t be surprised if you wake up at the DIY car wash, with the hose slammed in your trunk.  Anyway, today I met one of my favourite friends, the one I can count on for never ordering a soda water or worse, a diet coke, when you go out for lunch.  It’s Pinot Grigio or go home.  What better place in the hood for us, than Prohibition Gasto House, at 696 Queen Street East, at Broadview.  This place has been around for a while and it is my default, go-to place for lunch or hanging out on the weekend.  For one, they have an in-house oyster shucker, say no more.  They have bands, crap on tv, and really good food.  And really, really good french fries or frites, the real French from France way.  I know the secret and am keeping it to myself.  Quack.  The staff is really great and the who doesn’t have a crush on Michael.  And when I was there, I got a phone message from none other than boot camp Amy:  “Where are you?  I’m parked right behind you!”  damn, my big red box…  I didn’t dare tell her where I was, some things are better kept secret.

These Boots Were Made For Laying Around

The best part of Boot Camp, laying down

Boot camp started today.  I joined the army against cellulite so for 8 weeks, twice a week, I will fight my self-imposed war.  Amy from Quantum Physique( click  here for her website) is our drill sergeant.  She runs boot camps all over the city.  This one is in Cabbagetown near Riverdale Farms, I’m keeping the exact location a secret because it is the army after all.  The first day, there were four of us grunts, lunging and squatting, and scuttling like crabs between two pylons.  It’s the opposite of pretty.  Here is the grossest excercise, the burpee, although Amy makes it look easy:

I don’t think I put that in the right order at all but you get the drift.  You do ten of them and it goes against every natural instinct your body has so when you are done, you are shaking and coughing up all your past wrongs….beef jerky is not worth it anymore.  By the way, Amy has up her sleeve a patented little excercise that targets the sweet spot of cellulite refuge in a woman, where ass meets leg.  I’m not going to tell you what it is because in 8 weeks I want you to be jealous of me….will post the before and after!  And tomorrow the fresh hell is Spoga!  Spinning and yoga, then nap with the tv on…by the way check out my new blog here  CLICK HERE!!!

The Beginning of the End

Date Night at the CNE

The more things change, the more they remain the same.  The CNE isn’t what it used to be, so I’m told.  There is no free ride and I paid 7 Dollalhares for a hotdog…yes, a hot dog (more on that later).  The bearded lady is gone….or is she?  Maybe she just went to the the Shoppers Bazaar in Building A just right of the Prince’s Gates and got herself a honey ginger hair removal system and now she walks among us, flying her freak flag at half mast.  There is still some pretty good people watching (it’s free and see picture above, zoom in wherever) and there is some good things to eat.  Take my hotdog:  I got it in Building A:  a kobe beef weiner (shhh), with wasabi mayo, Japanese curry, and a hovering of deep fried julienned onions smattered on top.  Seriously, the best hot dog ever.  Seven dollars.  And so what?  I got a foot massage for a quarter and a pair of Doc Martens for 60 bucks, I am so way ahead.  I also had another lunch of a vegetarian Middle East platter  from the actual foode court:

Falafel balls!!!! This one is for Scotty

But the best part, of course is the rides, of which I am too old, too chicken, and too incontinent to partake, but Claire did:

The Scary Drop Zone

I’d rather have a hot dog, same sort of thing.  And another big buddy Budweiser, I’ll be back before it all ends.